Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Wedding

We had a wonderful weekend! The central event was the wedding of a long-time friend of ours, also named Heather. Joel and Heather met deep in the Ugandan countryside, the most unlikely place to find a spouse. Joel was on a 2-week mission trip and Heather was there for 2 1/2 years helping with well-drilling and general construction. Now here they are beginning life together! The audience was bursting with joy as evidenced in the clapping and cheering at the end of the ceremony and the many tears of happiness.

My sisters and I and a friend did the flowers. It was a lot of fun! Yellow and green were the theme.

Not only was this a very happy day for Heather and Joel but it was the last of three weddings in Heather's family in the last 17 months. What family has three amazing marriages in such a short amount of time!!!! I think the mother of the bride was very happy!!!!

All the flowers held up amazingly well! Callas were a good choice.

Heather and Joel were incredibly happy all day!

And Laura had the time of her life! (Was this her first wedding?)

Bubbles are Laura's new passion. She's dumped so many down the front of her outfits. And, she pretty much eats the bubbles while blowing, so she now has an irritated mouth. Poor baby!

I managed to get a picture of Michael and me. 

Children do love going to weddings!

I collected buckets of hosta and lily of the valley leaves, and grasses from a friend's yard. Heather's family turned them all into about 50 arrangements for the wedding and reception.

A glimpse of part of the reception hall.

Christina and Emily made the 3 church arrangements. The colors were just beautiful!!!!

We also had the privilege of hosting one of the missionary families from Uganda that Heather worked with. It was so fun for me to catch up on all the Uganda news and hear about the work that is going on there. 

A picture of the wedding party.

A very special part of the day for us was watching Laura dance. She LOVES to dance. She spent so much time tirelessly dancing on the floor that we stood and watched in awe. This child is not supposed to be athletic or have a lot of energy. Not so! She screamed and cried when we finally pulled her away to go home. I hope this is a good indication that her stamina may surpass the doctor's predictions.

And now we are working on "weekend recovery" and getting organized for the last 2 weeks of school. There is much gardening to do and the shopping, cleaning, etc. But, we have lots of great memories to fuel us.


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Beautiful flowers! Melissa has a friend doing her flowers as a wedding gift.

I, however, am immersed in flours. ;)

We're in full wedding mode here now. I'm sure there will be lots of fun and once June arrives, lots of RESTING and READING.

southseaislandhome said...

Heather - that necklace looks gorgeous on you! I love the colour. The wedding looks beautiful. You girls are so talented with your flower arranging. You might be interested to know that after talking to you on the phone last week, I now read all your blogs in your voice. :o)

Lovella ♥ said...

I loved seeing the wedding photos and the flowers in particular. You girls all do such a lovely job! I wished you lived a bit closer.
Beautiful photos of you and yours as well. So fun to see.

Candice said...

Awww. What a happy day! The B.'s were at Shawnee last weekend as Wade was out of town. I know Karen is so happy/relieved to have three lovely weddings behind her and three new sons-in-law!